Men's lifestyle

How To Behave On A First Date

There’s a reason watching them on the TV has become the nation’s favourite pastime, and that’s because first dates are universally awkward.

Seeing as we’re all naturally bad at ‘the game’, we’ve rounded up the top commandments for keeping a date on course for success (or at least making it to the end of it without getting a slap).


Do Your Homework

Ask anyone if they’ve partaken in minor online stalking ahead of a first meeting and around half will probably say yes (the other half are just fibbing). Instead of being ashamed, use this to your advantage.

A cursory scan of social media can help with date suggestions; for example, if the other person is a loud and proud vegan, perhaps don’t suggest Nando’s (actually, don’t suggest Nando’s ever).

Don’t Break The Bank

Unless you’re a footballer and can guarantee taking them up The Shard (no, not like that) on every date, don’t try to highball with a venue that will bankrupt you.

A fancy venue will likely make the other person uncomfortable. Keep it light and casual by choosing somewhere you can have a laugh without getting side-eyed by the maître d’.

Do Be A Gentleman

There’s a fine line between chivalrous and chauvinist. However, there are a few basics.

Being polite to everyone, maintaining eye contact and offering to get the other person a cab home (theirs, not yours) will all show that you’re a suitable long-term candidate. Similarly, don’t dominate the conversation. Rather than talking the hind legs off a donkey, stop for breath after each sentence to give them a chance to interject.

Pay Up

When it comes to the bill on date one, not only should you pay for having asked for the pleasure of their company, but it also gives a chance to throw in a humorous “you can pay next time” and avoid the awkward “shall we do this again sometime?” chat.

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