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What Skin Type Am I?

“What skin type are you?” When I was asked this question the very first time that I went to get a facial, I truthfully didn’t know what to respond. Maybe oily? Or was it combination? Aren’t they the same? I’ve always heard of the five skin types which are normal, dry, oily, sensitive, or combination, but I never really learned which factors determined what skin type you had. Did it really matter? 

However, I soon realized that by identifying which skin type you have, you can significantly improve the quality of your skin, avoiding breakouts, dealing with dry patches, and sopping up oil to get your skin balanced and glowing. Knowing your skin type will allow you to tailor your skincare routine to your skin.


If you were like me and don’t know what skin type you are then keep on reading to find out your skin type! 

Table of Contents


You might have Normal skin if…

  • You rarely have any breakouts 
  • Weather changes or new products rarely affect your skin in an adverse way
  • Barely visible pores 
  • Your skin never gets super oily or feels tight 

If you’re blessed with having a normal skin type then you rarely have any skin concerns and can try out new skin products without getting an allergic reaction. You definitely have leeway to experiment with products and will probably see a great response with most products you choose.


You might have Dry skin if…

  • You often deal with flakiness
  • Your skin often feels sensitive to the touch and/or burns when applying products 
  • You deal with itchiness 
  • You have frequent red patches 
  • Almost invisible pores 
  • Dull or rough complexion 
  • Loss of elasticity — skin often feels tight

Dry skin can be caused by genes, weather, aging, ingredients in products, or can even be caused by hormonal changes. Some basic tips for dry skin include using mild and gentle soaps or cleansers that don’t have strong smells and to take shorter showers or baths — long, hot showers can really dry out skin. And of course, moisturizing is the key to combatting dryness!

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