Tattoos with meaning

Bee Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas

A bee tattoo can come in many different designs and it can have a whole host of meanings. You might see someone with a realistic looking honey bee on their arm, or you could see a cartoonish bee in some kind of fantasy land. Regardless of the design, bee tattoos hold different meanings for different people. Below you will find just some of the most popular bee tattoo meanings and some of the ways that you can get these tattoos designed.

If someone is or wants to be a loyal person, they might just get a bee tattoo. That is because loyalty is one of the bee’s best qualities. No matter what they go through throughout the day, they will always try to return to the hive to help out their fellow bees. All of that hard work that they put in every day is solely to help the flock, which pretty much the definition of loyalty.


For the same reason, the bee tattoo can be used to symbolize love. A bee’s dedication to its fellow bees is pretty much unmatched. People who get the bee tattoo might want to show that they have strong love in their lives, or they could get it to show that they are loving people. The message might not come across strongly enough with just a bee tattoo, though, so they might incorporate other designs to make the message clearer.

Believe it or not, bees are not out to get you, but they will sacrifice themselves in order to protect their hives. They will also do anything to protect their queen, so expect at least one of them to come after you if you try to mess with the queen of their hives. That’s why bee tattoos are great designs to get when you want to get a symbol that represents protection on your body.

Bees are also seen as one of the most soulful insects in existence because they always know where their homes are. Regardless of where they are working or how many times they have been thrown off track, at the end of the day they will always make it back to their hives. That has a deep meaning for some people and they want to express their desire to be that soulful with their bee tattoos.

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