Men's style

5 Ways To Keep Your Style Interesting

Don’t Let Your Style Stagnate

Modern life is hectic and everything seems to happen at once. Between work, social and personal commitments, it’s a wonder we ever manage to get anything done.

Our attention flits between so many things that it never really settles. Information attacks us from every angle and it changes our opinions, priorities and actions on a daily basis. We live in a constantly evolving culture where technology is outdated before it has even hit the shelves and fashion never stands still.


And what is the cumulative effect of all this? It makes us bored quicker. We’re always craving the ‘next big thing’ and once something new has arrived, everything before it is considered obsolete.

Not only that, due to fashion being such a superficial entity, as soon as we become bored, even in the smallest possible way, it has a huge impact on our entire wardrobe – not just the little piece that sparked it all off.

When this happens it’s a long, slippery slope down to complete style dejection; where nothing looks good on you and your wallet screams in anticipation of the battering it will soon be suffering.

But before you accept this dire situation, there are a few things you can do to keep your current style interesting…

1. Experiment With What You’ve Got

Not long ago Matt encouraged us to turn toward the fairer sex for style inspiration. Women seem to have an innate grasp of how to manipulate colours, textures and accessories, and can almost revamp their look on a daily basis.

Compare this to the rather heavy-handed, disorganised methods often used by men and the female way of shopping, styling and making the most their wardrobe is hugely refreshing.

When your girlfriend, house-mate or partner returns home after a trip to the shops, does she spend hours trying on that new t-shirt with her entire wardrobe? At first this might seem strange – after all, you’re more interested in a cup of tea and a sit down – but look again and you’ll see that it’s actually a fantastic way of exploring your entire wardrobe.

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