
From Classroom to Catwalk: Penny Pincher Fashion’s Kimberly Smith

Photos Courtesy of Kimberly Smith

Ever since CF blogger Katarina listed Penny Pincher Fashion as a must-follow blog, I knew I had to interview Kimberly Smith. As a college student, I’m always looking for a pieces that only look expensive, and Kimberly’s queen at putting together pieces that won’t break the bank.


This week, Kimberly shares her tips for attracting readers to your blog via Pinterest, how her move to New York changed her sense of style, and her tricks for creating – and keeping – a budget you can stick to! 

The Interview:

College Fashion: Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Kimberly Smith: I’ve been married to my husband for 14 years (we’re high school sweethearts). I have two kids – my daughter is 10 and my son is 6. We live in upstate NY in a quaint village along the Erie Canal.

CF: How would you define your style? 

KS: My style is classic and feminine, but I try to put a modern twist on my looks.  I want to be current with trends, while still remaining true to my own personal aesthetic.

CF: How did you find your style?

KS: It’s been an interesting journey, shaped mostly by where I have lived. I was born and raised in Oregon, so my look started as very casual/relaxed. Then my husband got a job offer in North Carolina, and we moved to Charlotte where I really shifted to a more preppy/polished look – I think a lot of this was “trying to fit in” with all the Southern Belles and make new friends. When we came to New York, I finally felt the freedom to dress how I wanted to, and I was able to really determine what I love.

CF: What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you?

KS: My friends and family encouraged me to start my blog – they were always asking me for advice on fashion and beauty. Also, after having gone through a long period of unemployment (my husband lost his job during layoffs at Rubbermaid), I had learned so much about how to save money when buying clothes and how to find the best deals. I wanted to share that with other women.

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