
What It’s Like to Be a Designer at Anthropologie

Part three of our series on Working in Fashion (see our past posts on a financial analyst at a handbag company and what it’s like to do social media at Free People) stars Genevieve Ott, an Assistant Designer at Anthropologie! As an undergraduate, she majored in Film & Media Studies at Johns Hopkins University, graduating in 2017. She then earned a Master of Arts in Graphic Design at the Maryland Institute College of Art before joining the Home Artist Collaborations team at Anthropologie. 

*Disclaimer: Responses have been edited for clarity and length. 


Interview with Gen

Did you have any fashion or decor experience prior to interviewing for this position? If so, what was it? 

I always knew I wanted to do something creative, but as is the case with many creative positions, it was a winding road to get here! When I was little I wanted to be a fashion designer, and I grew up marathoning Project Runway. I interned for a wedding planner while in college, which gave me a really hands-on experience working with vendors, styling, and curating pieces. From there, I became really obsessed with interior design. I’m fascinated by the ways in which people curate items in order to create a space that feels personal and comfortable. 

Did you feel like college prepared you for working at Anthropologie? If so, what experiences were most helpful?

Yes and no! I had a lot of creative opportunities at Hopkins that allowed me to really explore my creativity. From an internship with admissions where I did a lot of graphic design and social media work to amazing, encouraging professors in the Film & Media Studies department who challenged the way I think about visual media, I grew and grew as a creator and thinker. I also had a few leadership positions with my sorority, Alpha Phi, that allowed me to plan events, develop apparel, and make social media graphics. I used this as an avenue to get my hands dirty with fun creative projects, and learned a lot!

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