
Innovative Fashion: What Are Living Fabrics and How Do They Work?

The limits of modern fashion are being pushed and redefined every day! Innovative Fashion, our latest column, seeks to share how materials, production, design, and function are being revolutionized around the world. Consider it a little preview of the future of fashion.

Today we’ll be talking about MICROBES and fashion! Yes, you heard me right — and don’t shy away just yet. As you’ll learn today, microbes are incredibly useful for creating eco-friendly, sustainable fabric.


But let’s backtrack a bit. What exactly are microbes? Essentially, a microbe is any organism that’s too micro to be seen without the aid of technology! This includes bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses (which aren’t actually living), archaea, and algae.

We’re all used to plants producing our natural fabric, whether it be cotton, linen, hemp, wool, or felt. But what if we tasked that to bacteria, eliminating the need for such resource-intensive agriculture?

It’s totally possible! Researchers have learned how to harness the power of bacteria and yeast to quickly produce clothing that is 100% biodegradable, comfortable, and stylish — check out how below!

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Familiar with kombucha? The same microbes used to brew this healthy drink can actually grow a dress for you, or your new favorite shoes! Just add tea and sugar, and the microbes go to work, eating the sugar and spinning out cellulose, a sturdier type of sugar, into a dense mesh.

Once the microbial cellulose has grown to the right thickness (this takes around 3 weeks), it is laid out to let all the water evaporate, leaving you with a pliable, translucent cloth. This can then be draped around a model to instantly assume its shape, or can be cut and sewn like regular fabric.

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