Tattoos with meaning

Brick Wall Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas

You may or may not have seen someone with a tattoo of a brick wall. This is a tattoo concept that is not seen very often, but when it is seen it makes a lasting impression. Brick walls are usually constructed as a way of keeping the outside world from getting inside whatever it is that is beyond the bricks. Brick walls are some of the sturdiest and longest lasting walls out there, that is why there are so many buildings built out of brick.

It is also the reason why the three little piggies were able to escape a treacherous death from the big bad wolf. Brick walls can be made in all different sizes and shapes, colors can also differ from one brick wall to the other as well. Even though brick walls are just solid foundations of concrete shaped in little blocks and then paved together to make an impenetrable force. Throughout history, bricks have changed in what they are made out of. The classic brick was first constructed with clay, sand, and lime. This worked very well, but it is only a matter of time before bricks such as these start to crumble and fall apart. Concrete is the best option for the production of bricks and is proven to last very long periods of time with little to no reinforcement. Not only does a brick wall create a unique tattoo, it also has a fair amount of symbolism behind it as well. Down below will be examples of this tattoo, different designs, and ideas for this piece.



Brick walls are built to provide shelter and to keep the outside world away from whatever it is that lays beyond the bricks. Many homes are constructed with brick as well as basically any building. These cement blocks that are paved together to form one giant wall of concrete have been the best building material that has been readily available for humans to use. Having a tattoo of a brick wall can say a lot about the individual that is sporting it.

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