Tattoos with meaning

What Does Fearless Tattoo Mean?

Being fearless isn’t always a good thing when it comes to life. Fear keeps us sharp. Fear is what creates moments of courage. Fear is what keeps us safe when we might be treading into deep waters. When you hear people tell you they aren’t afraid of anything, you should start to question that person. Fear is a good thing and I think we should remember that.

However, there are times when fear shouldn’t exist in your life. There are times when fear can hold you back from attempting things that will make you a better person. In other cases, you may not have a choice but to be fearless. When faced with fear, courage takes over. This is a big part of the fearless tattoo. The term ‘fearless’ has some stigma with it but with the right scenario, being fearless is a great thing.


In this post we will talk about the fearless tattoo and what it means to the people that have this word inked on their body. There are different times where being fearless is beneficial and there are many variations of this tattoo to help put this word in context. We hope that by the end of this post you have a better understanding of why people get this tattoo and what it symbolizes to them.

Fearless Tattoo Variations

There are different variations of the fearless tattoo that we have seen. Whether it is simple script or fashioned after TV shows and music albums, the fearless tattoo holds a great deal of meaning to the person getting it.

Love Fearless Tattoo

The love fearless tattoo is a common one we see out in the world. This is a mantra that some try to live by and we feel it is important to note. These days society makes it hard for us to let our feelings known for others. Society bashes us for being too sensitive and they make us feel bad for wearing our feelings on our sleeve. What this does is create a society that doesn’t know how to express their feelings or truly love. To love fearlessly takes guts. To put yourself out there to be loved is one of the hardest things one can do. You set yourself up for rejection and nobody likes that feeling. Broken hearts discourage us from opening our hearts again but letting go of the fear will only serve you in the best possible way. By doing so, you also set yourself up for a love that is powerful and true.

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