Tattoos with meaning

What Does Triad Tattoo Mean?

Unlike most other tattoo designs that are out there, triad tattoos can have quite a few meanings. Not only can they have different meanings, they can also have quite a few different looks to them as well. There are classic triad tattoos, modern triad tattoos, and quite a few that fit somewhere in between classic and modern.

Before we get into triad tattoos, it’s important to know what a triad actually is. What you might find surprising is that there are triads all around us. That’s because triads are groups of three things that are connected in some way. For example, presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama are a triad of presidents. It’s a pretty underused word, which is a shame because it’s a pretty unique one with a nice sound to it.


Okay, back to tattoos. Rather than going over every single type of triad tattoo that you could get, instead we are going to focus on the most commonly seen triad tattoos out there today. We’ll also take a look at some of the meanings that can be used with those tattoos and some of the ways that you can design triad tattoos so they can look great on your skin.

Adoption Triad Tattoos

Even though there are quite a few triad tattoos and meanings out there, you will find that many of the people who get them these days are getting the adoption variant. The universal symbol for adoption, the triangle with a heart looped through it, is an important image to many people. It’s not surprising that there are a lot of people who have been adopted or who have been adopted themselves choose to get an adoption triad tattoo.

What’s really cool about the adoption triad tattoo is that each section of the symbol represents a different component of the adoption process. One side of the triangle represents the birth family, one represents the adoptive family, and the other represents the person who was adopted.

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