Tattoos with meaning

What Does Squid Tattoo Mean?

We have probably all heard the stories of the unknown things in the depths of the ocean. In the dark caverns and cold waters hidden far below the Earth’s surface are creatures that we don’t even know about yet and other creatures that we’ve heard rumors about. One of the creatures that is storied to be down there but also a creature we know about is the squid. Squids aren’t an uncommon sight but there are stories of very large ones in depths of the ocean. The stories and traits of the squid have created a lot of interest this creature. It’s a great choice for a tattoo if you are into it.

The squid tattoo is a solid choice because it can fill a number of spaces on your body. The tentacles flow in a way that is beautiful and efficient. Your squid tattoo will be the talk of all your friends and onlookers. The squid has a meaningful and symbolic background that will lead to some great conversation with those interested.


In this post we will talk a bit about the squid and some of the traits and characteristics that make such an interesting creature. We will also delve into the symbolism behind the squid tattoo and talk about what it means to those that have it. Symbolism changes with imagery so depending on what variation of the squid tattoo you have will tell the story of what your tattoo means.

About the Squid

Around the world, there have been more than 300 different kinds of squid that been discovered. However, it is said there are many more out there that we just haven’t seen yet. This applies to the depths of the oceans where we haven’t been able to research enough.

The size of the squid varies greatly. The biggest squid that we know of is the colossal squid which can weight in at an incredible 1,700 pounds and reach up to 46 feet in length. On the other side of the spectrum is the pygmy squid which can be as small as one inch. This is an example of the variety of squid on this planet.

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