Tattoos with meaning

What Does Tetelestai Tattoo Mean?

The word, Tetelestai is a word that means the world to most Christians and those that believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for them. It is a word that sums up everything Jesus did for the people and much can be taken from this word. It is said it is difficult to even explain how much it means as they symbolism is deeper than the ocean.

In this post, we are going to try to explain in some detail about the world Tetelestai and what the Tetelestai tattoo means. This tattoo is representative of all that Christians believe and because it isn’t a common word, when the Tetelestai tattoo is seen, it is going to bring up some conversation. This might even be the goal when getting the Tetelestai tattoo. To have a conversation is spreading the word of Christ so by getting the Tetelestai tattoo, it’s almost as if you are doing God’s work at the same time.


We hope that you have a better understanding of the Tetelestai tattoo and what it symbolizes by the end of this post. Our goal is to make sure you don’t go into your next tattoo shop, see an interesting word and have it inked on your skin.

What does Tetelestai Mean

When literally translated, Tetelestai is Greek for “It is finished.” This word comes up in John 19:28 and 19:30 of the Holy Bible and they are the only two spots where it comes up in the New Testament. In John 19:28, Tetelestai is explained as being the last thing Jesus said. In summary, Jesus new everything was completed while he was on the cross. For the scripture to be complete, Jesus said “I thirst”. When he is given his last drink of wine, Jesus said, “Tetelestai” as he bowed his head and released his spirit.

By this story, one can understand the importance of the phrase and why the Tetelestai tattoo is such a popular one for those that are believers. It also means, “paid in full” which has a great deal of meaning that we will talk about. However, the point is that Jesus died for our sins and our debt is paid in full or it is finished so we don’t have to worry.

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