
16 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Things you Need to Know

2. Increasing Waistline:

Because of the growth of baby, your waistline will further grow this week. The small baby bump is now a significant bulge and makes you analyze that your baby is growing. The waistline just develops to keep the baby comfortable while it grows. Due to the uneasy feeling in its legs, the baby might start kicking. At this time the baby’s arms have grown long to the extent of their body it is just a short time that the legs get up to speed. It is absolutely impossible you can prevent from your pants not fitting you any longer, however investing in some maternity garments immediately, since that will keep your necessities tended to for the following couple of months to come.

3. Back Pain:

An increase in back pain is also another symptom of the 16th week of pregnancy. Back pains occur daily and are caused primarily by the increasing waistline. The increasing waistline causing a strain on your backbone that in turn causes unwanted back pain. At this point, the back pain will make you feel tired and lethargic. While it sure can irritate you, a moderate amount of exercise will keep you going.


See More: 17th Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms

4. Stretch Marks:

The sixteen pregnancy symptoms become more apparent with the stretch marks that you will start to develop. The uterine walls stretching capacity comes, and the baby bump grows beyond the tolerance limit, and hence it has to conform itself, i.e. extend itself to fit the baby inside growing every day. However, the body not being good to this kind of outrageous adjustment subjects to wear and regularly tear, resulting in stretch marks in the lower mid-region. You can use Aloe Vera and other vitamin A supplements to keep your skin hydrated. This will keep away the stretch marks even.

5. Increase in Appetite:

This period of time makes you literally hungry most of the time and leaves you craving for food. You literally develop the powers of gulping down every food in sight. However, overeating can be a major health issue as you are now feeding for two, and also it might make you gain weight like crazy. However, you can easily curb this desire of eating by keeping a big box of nuts around since they can add nutrition to your diet whilst filling your appetite requirements. Keeping yourself busy in a variety of activities might also provide a healthy distraction.

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