
Can Eating Cantaloupe(Muskmelon) During Pregnancy Safe?

Eating a healthy and nutritious diet is very important throughout the pregnancy, and hence, fruits and vegetables form a core part of the pregnancy diet. Melons are the best fruits to have during summers as they give a cooling effect and are low in calories. Muskmelon or Kharbuja as they are normally called is a superfood rich in various nutrients essential for pregnancy and low on calories. There are many other names of muskmelon such as Cantaloupe, sweet melon and rockmelon. Read here to know the various benefits and side effects of eating kharbuja in pregnancy along with its nutritional value and other interesting facts.

Pregnancy is a period when you have to be extremely cautious about what you eat and what you should avoid. It is not just about you; it is about the baby as well, and anything you eat directly impacts your baby too.


If you had enjoyed eating cantaloupe and used to savour it before you were pregnant, is it still safe during pregnancy? Let’s help you out! To know if cantaloupe during pregnancy is advisable, read the post below.

What is Cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe is a melon look-a-like fruit, which is sweet. It goes by other names as well like Kharbuja, Persian melon, mush melon, rockmelon, and muskmelon.

Is it Safe to Eat Cantaloupe During Pregnancy:

Cantaloupe is a powerhouse of various nutrients essential for pregnancy and eating muskmelon has considerable benefits in pregnancy. Eating muskmelon by itself is very safe during pregnancy. However, there are a bacteria called Listeria that is sometimes found on the outer surface of muskmelon, which if not washed properly, can sometimes get inside and cause severe complications in the pregnancy. This is the reason that sometimes people advise to avoid eating muskmelon during pregnancy. Muskmelon, in itself, does not pose any harm to the pregnancy.

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