
Bad Breath During Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

To all the moms and pregnant ladies out there a huge thumbs up and a great salute to you because no man can ever have the capability of undergoing through the pregnancy problems and childbirth. This article is especially for pregnant women, it would seem that pregnancy won’t have many problems but it just keeps adding on and one such problem faced by women is the problem of bad breath when pregnant. So is bad breath a sign of pregnancy? The answer is yes.


But there are certain causes, symptoms, prevention and remedies for bad breath in pregnancy listed below. But if you are still unable to determine the cause or if you cannot find the symptoms then probably you just forgot to brush in the morning.

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Bad breath is humiliating nightmare for any person and it’s no different for pregnant women. There are a few causes for bad breath in pregnancy and don’t worry it can be solved.

1. Poor Oral Hygiene:

One of the major causes for bad breath during pregnancy is poor oral hygiene. Pregnant women have to eat quite frequently and if it is a sugary diet then it causes problems in the mouth which leads to bad breath.

2. Dental Problems:

Dental problems are prone to occur in any pregnant women because pregnant women are prone to suffer from morning sickness which results into vomiting and if the mouth is not washed soon after the vomiting occurs then it could result into dental problems.

3. Dry Mouth:

One of the common reasons for bad breath is dry mouth, dry mouth occurs due to slow production of saliva. Pregnant women usually have a dry mouth because of the problem of dehydration that they face. Also due to the intake of various medicines pregnant women suffer from dry mouth which makes the mouth stink.

4. Medical Conditions:

If women suffer from any medical condition such as throat infection, sinusitis etc. then the risk of developing bad breath increases.

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