
16 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Things you Need to Know

What are the Risks to Face During 16 Weeks Pregnancy?

  1. Ideally, you should feel the movement of your baby at as sixteen weeks of pregnancy symptoms. If you do not feel any movement even after 12 hours, it is time you go to a doctor.
  2. Your risk of miscarriage is much lower in the second trimester. However, if you notice spotting or bleeding, do not ignore it. Rush to a doctor.
  3. You may also be a victim of nose bleed at 16 weeks pregnant. They are however harmless, but it you think it occurs often, you need to consult your doctor.


Medical Treatments and Checkup:

This week, there will be a call for an ultrasound to determine if everything is safe and sound; you might also have to take a test for information about chromosomal issues in your child. One of the most important tests that are carried out in the 16th week is amniocentesis. This is to determine if your child has Down’s syndrome. Apart from that, the usual symptoms from the previous month may follow. Hence, a few medicines to keep by your bedside are:

  • Aches and pains- Acetaminophen. Steer clear of ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Allergy- Antihistamines and loratadine. Avoid pseudoephedrine and decongestants like phenylephrine.
  • Cough- Dextromethorphan and guaifenesin.
  • Constipation- Metamucil and Colace. Avoid laxatives and mineral oil.
  • Heartburn- Antacids and famotidine.


16 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect in Ultrasound?

Your baby at 16 weeks will be fully mobile with its joints and limbs. You will notice that it starts to make purposeful movements around the belly. Their reflexes would be developing and probably in a position to even suck its thumb. While their eyelids may be shut, their eyes will fully work.

See More: Water Drinking During Pregnancy

Checklists During 16th Week Pregnancy:

  1. If you have not started sleeping on your side, it is time you do so. This is good for the baby and you.
  2. This is the time you go for a babymoon! Ensure you have a good time. Take a trip with your partner or friends. The main idea is to feel relaxed and stress-free. So choose a destination accordingly.
  3. It is time you talk to your health care expert about the alpha-fetoprotein test.

16 weeks pregnant with twins means that each of your babies will measure about 12cm and head to bottom. Their bodies will grow faster than their heads. Remember to consume a lot of water and stay hydrated.

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