
16 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Things you Need to Know

5. Movement:

During the first 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, the movement of baby is natural, and if you feel your baby’s early movement during this stage, then you are lucky. As the baby grows they move, thus growth makes them push on the space walling them in, therefore the movement.

6. Fat:

Also during this week, your baby starts developing fat under the skin which acts as some kind of insulation system keeping the baby safe and warm. It also acts as a source of nutrition and strength for the baby as they grow every day. Though the fat increase in your baby’s body will make you feel uncomfortable, understand that because of this, your baby is now going to be stronger than ever.



Sixteen Weeks Pregnant: Signs and Symptoms

A host of new changes happen to both the mother and the baby at this point in time. Here is what happens to the mother, both physical and physiological.

1. Increase in Breast Size:

During this week, the breast size will increase as the milk glands will start production, and blood flow will also increase, causing the veins to pop up where they were not visible before. Your breasts are now growing to support the active milk glands, which shall be the only source of nutrition for your baby when they are born. To keep everything working well for you and overcome stretch marks, wear a comfortable bra, that allows your breasts to breathe. Do make sure you keep olive oil or Vitamin E around for massage. The veins of your breasts show up as well, making your pregnancy more obvious, but then again, this one is absolutely normal as well, and you do not need to stress yourself at all. Although the symptoms usually tend to go away on their own, the best way to reduce the pain is to apply ice packs and cooling bags. Drinking lots of water help the soreness as well. A loose bra should help relax the breast tissues and give them more room to breathe, relaxing the soreness.

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