
16 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Things you Need to Know

The 16th week of pregnancy is rather an exciting phase. The mother now experiences a host of changes that were not seen before. In fact, now you can even feel the movement of the baby! Isn’t that exciting? The baby also begins to grow significantly, and the growth rate increases at least by an inch every week. 16 weeks pregnant fetal development is rather significant. Take a look at the other things you need to know when in this phase.


Table of Content:

  • Month and Trimester
  • What to Think
  • Fetal Development
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Week Activities
  • Baby Position
  • 16th Week Diet
  • 16th Week Exercise
  • Precautions
  • Risks to Face
  • Medical treatments and checkup
  • Ultrasound
  • checklists
  • Tips to 16 Week pregnant

Which Month and Trimester is it at 16 Weeks Pregnant? What is its Weight?

16 weeks pregnant baby size is about the size of an avocado! You are three months and three weeks pregnant. You are in the second trimester. The second trimester will last up to 28 weeks. Your baby will be about 4.6 inches long and will weigh 3.5 ounces.

What to Think About This Week:

It is hard for you to believe that you are into the 16th week of your happy pregnancy. From this month on, you will find your little one moving inside your womb. Besides this, you can also experience more ticklish feeling from their new growing hair and the sac expanding. This week you will think about the weeks that you have crossed with such expertise. Besides, you will also look back and feel happy about your child’s progress and the way everything is looking up. Checkups and the wait for reports will keep your mind occupied as well. All in all, your step into the second trimester so far is going well, and you can expect better times to come.


Fetal Development of the Baby:

This week is important for the baby in the context of the baby’s weight. This week, the baby starts to gain weight finally and is gaining weight. This is not a bad thing as long as the baby is not overweight. The body of your baby will now start being a lot more reliant on itself; therefore aiding in development that is unique to this week.

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