
37 Sweet Side Hustles for Men

Our parents called it moonlighting – working a second job in the evening. In their day, the options were limited – driving a taxi cab, maybe schlepping shots at a neighborhood bar. Now, however, there are plenty of options for someone who’s looking to earn a little extra cash.

A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report explained that the national unemployment rate is sitting at about 6% as of March 2021. That being said, there are a lot of people who find themselves hoping to get a leg up on their financial situation with a side hustle.


Check out these recommended gigs if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or just want to make some extra cash on the side.

On The Internet

1. Sling Collectibles and Wares on eBay

When the Internet was fairly new, a little company by the name of eBay made headlines by offering an auction platform that was fun, efficient, and easy to use. Years later, the powerhouse still offers people around the globe a shot at making a quick buck.

You can find just about anything on eBay, from used cars to human skulls. If you’ve got a collection of action figures collecting dust on a shelf, you might consider putting them up for auction to make a quick buck. There are stories of people having such success as a seller of niche items that they quit their full-time job to work on their growing eBay store.

2. Recycle Technology

If you collect tech, you could be sitting on a pile of cash. Websites like Gazelle offer money for certain cell phones and tablets. There are other websites for various devices, and the in-person route might also pay a pretty penny.

To really milk the arrangement, ask friends and family if they have any devices they’d like to dispose of. Sometimes people are willing to throw away an old iPhone thinking it has no value. You could turn around and sell it for a profit. It’s a win-win situation!

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