Health & wellness

Vitamin E Rich Foods : 15 Amazing List – You Must Know

Vitamin E is one of the most crucial nutrients that are responsible for the health of skin, bone and tissues. It is an antioxidant that protects the cells from damage due to free radicals. Vitamin E deficiency can cause a lot of health ailments like a lower immune system, obesity, skin damage and even hair loss. It is important that these people consume the necessary requirements of Vitamin E through food sources. However, lack of proper knowledge on the Vitamin E rich foods list makes them depend on artificial Vitamin E supplements. It is recommended to source Vitamins from foods instead of other means, as they are available in pure form and also supply the body with additional nutrients. Read on to know what foods are the best sources of Vitamin E.


What is Vitamin E ? Why is it Essential?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. The other name for Vitamin E is Tocopherol and is a rich anti-oxidant. It plays a crucial role in the formation of red blood cells and also helps the body absorb Vitamin K from sources. Vitamin E is responsible for widening the blood vessels and prevent blood clots inside the body. It is essential for boosting the immune system and fighting against bacteria and virus. Vitamin E is of top importance to ensure the health of skin, nails and hair.

How Much Vitamin E is Essential per Day?

The recommended dosage of Vitamin E per day is 15 mg. It is also advised that Vitamin E must be obtained from food sources than relying on artificial pills, as it can cause an overdose.

Benefits Of Vitamin E:

The following are the health benefits of Vitamin E:

  • Oxidative Protection: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the cells from damage against free radicals.
  • UV Protection: This Vitamin shields the body from UV radiation of the sun and reduces the damages like sunburns.
  • Anti-ageing: Vitamin E reduces the signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, roughness.
  • Protects Heart: Vitamin E protects the heart from the effects of cholesterol. It prevents LDL oxidation and reduces the stiffness in arteries.
  • Boosted Immunity: Vitamin E protects the body against bacterial and viral infections by strengthening the immune system.

Top Vitamin E Rich Foods In India:

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