Health & wellness

Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad For Headaches?

Does drinking coffee help headaches? Does it actually provide a relief? Well, there is a lot of mystery around here. We will clearly explain exact-fact here.

Coffee is a classic beverage brewed from the seeds of berries from coffee species. Coffea is the name of the genus it belongs to and native to Africa. The caffeine content in coffee is known it the bitter and slightly acidic taste. It also can stimulate humans, keeping them energized and active throughout the day. However, this same caffeine content has also been responsible for causing headaches and headache relief for a lot of others.


Coffee as a Cure & Coffee as the Cause: Can Stop Coffee Cause Headache?

One of the major reason why people complain about coffee causing headache is that coffee has the capacity to make you urinate more, thus leading to dehydration of the body. When the body suffers from dehydration, headache is the natural response.

The effect of caffeine on the brain will significantly vary with usage. For the occasional headache, coffee is an excellent relief. However, when the brain understands that the person consumes daily, it perceives it as a kind of drug and stops giving you relief from even those occasional headaches. The brain, therefore, develops a tolerance for that drug. Caffeine also affects the activity of adenosine. Adenosine is a naturally occurring substance of the brain. During a migraine, the adenosine levels go up in the brain. This can alter the functioning of the substance, thereby causing a headache (1).

While a Lot of us Complain of Coffee Causing Headache, Here is How Coffee Headache Relief is Real:

Coffee helps migraine is a true thing. But, what you need to understand is how often can this remedy be rewarding. Caffeine overdose is also a major reason why headaches occur. Coffee and migraine headaches are other problems for a lot many. The American Journal of Medicine, In their study, found that the daily changes in the intake of coffee could actually trigger migraine to a certain extent (2). Therefore, a lot depends on the quantity, amount of caffeine. These two are directly proportional to migraine headaches.

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