
The Rules Of Becoming A True-Life Fu*kboy

It’s not easy being a fuck boi. There’s a list of criteria you must always meet if you want to ensure you are good at being a player. This guide will provide the tips that will help you master the one night stand without regret.



Fuckboy Definition

If you still do not know whats a fuck boy, we will try to give you a heads up. The Fboy definition is more complicated than it seems, as the term has more than a single meaning. While in the past, it suggested someone who behaved in an inappropriate way, nowadays the Fuckboy meaning is quite specific. The term was most certainly popularized during the hip hop era, when it was frequently used in many hip hop as well as rap music tracks. An F boy is a guy who does not care about the girl’s feelings, using her only to satisfy his sexual interest and boost the ego. He will tell her just anything to get what he wants from her, be it sex or something else. He knows a lot about girls and uses it to seduce them. Though, he is not interested in a relationship, so do not expect any commitment from him.


What Does It Mean To Be A Fuckboy?

A fuckboy. You’ve heard of them. Possibly even been one. In the event you’ve dated several people, you might have had sour relationship endings where you’ve been the recipient of rants and hateful spews from the victims that you’ve heartbroken. Because that’s what fuckboys do. They mess with your feelings. Fuckboys often pretend they are seeking a relationship. They might even wine and dine a new catch few good times before their true intentions become clear. A player and bachelor at heart, a fuckboy has one universal law- never get tied down.

The Lawbook Of The Fu*kboy Club

Now that you know what is a fuck boy, it’s time to check whether you fall under the fuck boy definition. So, follow our guide and bring in some improvements should you need any.

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