
The 13 Most Evil People in History

Throughout the centuries some of the evilest people in history have existed on earth. These men and women are behind some of the most harrowing and bone-chilling crimes ever committed. Genocide, murder, wars, and torture are just some of the horrible things these people are responsible for. They are the worst of the worst. Quite simply, they are the most evil people in history.

These people have no humanity or empathy for others. Some of these evil people have carried out nasty deeds on a world stage, while others have impacted communities with their troubling ways. A few of them didn’t even commit crimes themselves, instead, letting their followers do their dirty work for them. What they all have in common is the pure evil that runs through them.  


The names of many evil people are most likely appearing in your head as you read this. So prepare to be shocked and appalled at the crimes of the 13 most evil people in history. 

1. Adolf Hitler

Everett Collection/Shutterstock

The German dictator was responsible for the deaths of over six million Jews and other minorities during the Holocaust. This alone puts him at the top of the most evil people in history The leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler was evil to the core. The Führer of Nazi Germany quickly rose to power during the 1930s. He led with a combination of fear and anti-Semitism policies that resonated with Germans after the loss of World War I.

Once in total control, Hitler initiated World War II when he invaded Poland. For six years he and his armies ravaged Europe, with Adolf Hitler indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 50 million people. He was an evil person who died like a coward after committing suicide in his bunker on April 30, 1945.

2. Pol Pot

YouTube/Phall Sophy

The sadistic leader of the Khmer Rouge, a Cambodian communist party, Pol Pot was another evil person responsible for the deaths of millions. He served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. Wanting to install a one-party state, Pol Pot forced many of the population to move from the cities to farms where they would work for the government. Anyone who disobeyed was murdered, while many died from poor health while working on the farms. It is believed that between 1.5 and 2 million people were killed during his reign of terror. This is now referred to as the Cambodian genocide. 

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