
Top 40 Best Dog Breeds for Men – Coolest Dog Breeds

The term “man’s best friend” isn’t just an opinion. There truly is no better companion than a loving, loyal dog. From their unconditional love and support to the comfort and fun they provide, the bond between a man and his dog is a sacred one. It goes back millennia, to the first domesticated wolf, and continues to this day.

If you love dogs and are wondering about some of the best breeds for men, keep reading. This rundown of the top 38 best dog breeds for men outlines their temperament, basic needs, and other important information.


Regardless if you’re single, married with children, or perhaps live in an apartment, I’m going to share with you plenty of options to consider. Now, you might be wondering why are these are my top choices? And what makes certain breeds better than others, I’ll tell you:

I was raised in a family with dogs ever since I was a child. And while I still have a dog today, a rescue Polish Hound from the shelter, my connection with these animals goes far beyond that. Over the years, I have met well over 300 plus breeds and their owners.

For a while, I worked at a custom pet food start-up and oversaw an algorithm that based nutritional needs on exact breed, weight, activity level, health concerns, allergies, and far more. From training to nutrition to temperament and beyond, I’ll have an immediate answer for you.

However, just understand that ANY breed can be the best breed for YOU. This list reflects the breeds most gentlemen today adopt or prefer for things like companionship, hunting, protection, and so on. If you really want a tiny toy-breed Chihuahua that’s your business, there’s nothing unmanly about it.

Remember, it’s not so much about size either (though most men tend to choose large or giant breeds), there are a lot of things to consider like health issues, energy levels, etc. Certain breeds have characteristics you can’t simply train around.

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