
Top 30 New Year's Resolution Ideas For Men – Grab Greatness

I’m writing this guide rather early this year and for a good reason: Why wait until New Years to make a change in your life? Let’s face it, New Year’s resolutions produce two types of men each and every year: The action takers and the action fakers.

You certainly don’t need to walk inside your local gym during the month of January to know that. So what divides the two? For starters, a great deal of men today refuse to set goals because doing so will add unwanted risk into their lives.


The thought of not achieving these goals creates the idea of future failure, and ultimately they succumb to their own fears. The moment they believe they are unable to commit to their goals, they disregard them entirely. While other gentlemen accept their goals, their failure to accomplish them stems from a lack of accountability. They might have a road map of where they are going in life, yet they may no idea as to how swiftly they should go.

They’ll say, “I’ll get it done,” however, they procrastinate by adding a million excuses along the way. “If I’m not hung-over.” “If it’s between my golfing lessons and son’s dentist appointment.” The same can be said about sacrifice; it’s something most men refuse to make.

However, the biggest reason of them all entails failing to define your goals in the first place. For some this means having absolutely zero goals, for others, it means having incredibly weak goals to go after.

With that said, I have decided to put together this list of the top 30 best New Year’s resolution ideas for men below to help you get a better start now or in January. You will find new goals to set that include everything from finances to relationships, personal style and beyond.

Consider them a starting point. Take these ideas and turn them into gigantic goals that you cannot accomplish in two or three lifetimes. Set the bar higher than you’ve ever dreamed of, and you will see a greater rate of success in return.

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