
Top 75 Tools Every Man Should Have – Must Own Toolbox Essentials

As the great Scottish Philosopher Thomas Carlyle once said, “Man is a tool-using Animal… Nowhere do you find him without tools; without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.”

It reminds me of a time when Henry Ford’s vehicle broke down while traveling through town.


Stuck without tools, my great grandfather took note and offered to be of service. With tools from his local blacksmith shop, he performed the repairs and sent Ford on his way. The act would later lead to an honest business relationship and fine friendship.

While Ford may have been the inventor of the Model T, assembly line, and 26-horsepower racing automobile at the time, without tools he was nothing short of stranded.

Today, I’d like to share with you a list of the top 75 tools every man should have. The kind of tools you’ll find in places like barns and workshops were the word, “craftsmanship” comes alive.

The kind that holds a special place in the hearts of handymen, home owners and tradesmen across the world.

Now, there are thousands and thousands of different tools I could tell you about, many of which I’ve used myself. Though, you might not find yourself using a compactor plate, welder, tiller or concrete mixer anytime soon, let alone often enough, to warrant owning one.

If you want to know what it feels like to be able to build, repair or maintain something on your own, then take a moment to discover these must-have toolbox essentials below.


Best Buy

1. Adjustable Clamps

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You’re not an octopus, you don’t have eight arms. In reality, I don’t know any man who prefers to hold two boards together for eight hours while waiting for the wood glue to dry. But that’s just me. Maybe you’re into that kind of thing, you robot. 


2. Adjustable Wrench


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