Tattoos with meaning

Ankh Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas

The Ankh tattoo is one of the most popular Egyptian tattoos in the world for a variety of reasons. Not only does the symbol have a unique shape, there are also quite a few fantastic meanings attached to it, giving owners of these tats an attractive and significant symbol to represent who they are. Below you will find all of the information you will need on each Ankh tattoo meaning and some of the slightly different design options available to you.

An Egyptian symbol of love and life, the two are interconnected in an inseparable way with the Ankh, also known as the crux ansata in Latin. Obviously these are two Ankh tattoo meanings that can work for just about anyone, which it why it is the Egyptian design that so many people choose. In fact, even if you were just looking for a tattoo to represent love, chances are this could be a good one for you since you probably would also like the “life” meaning. It is absolutely perfect for anyone who “loves life.”


This cross-like sign is one of the most common in Egyptian iconography, pictured with all of the gods and goddesses of their religious tradition. This is important to realize because it can (and often is) included with other Egyptian tattoos. As we pointed out before, the love and life meanings work for most people, so it just makes sense to include this symbol even if it is not going to be the focal point of the tattoo you’re getting.

Additionally, the Ankh is a hieroglyph, therefore a part of their written language and an integral representation of life, as it literally translates to “life”. It’s actually quite interesting that this could be looked at as a text tattoo as much as a simple Egyptian symbol. The Ankh tattoo meaning comes through regardless of how it is perceived.

Also a symbol of love and fertility, the Ankh is associated closely with the knot of Isis, another commonly seen cross-like symbol. Isis is a strong maternal figure, often depicted nursing one of her sons and the first goddess born from the earth. You can also blend these two symbols into a single design, making use of the Ankh tattoo meaning as well as the knot of Isis meaning. People who can do this are those who want to get symbols that represent life, love, and fertility.

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