
70+ Flower Of Life Tattoos & meanings

The Flower of Life is a geometric symbol, usually composed of 19 uniformly distributed overlapping circles. The pattern formed by the circles creates a perfectly symmetrical flower image. Some symbols of the Flower of Life only use 7 circles in their design, so there are several different variants of the symbol. The Flower of Life is another sacred geometric shape. This is a symbol of creation. It is created by forming a circle and then moving to the edge of that circle and forming another circle. Each circle starts within the radius of the surrounding circle and is of the same size. The meaning of the Flower of Life symbol is that it represents the “cycle of creation”. It shows how all life comes from a single source, represented by the circle in the center of the pattern. People believe that there is a hidden secret symbol. Among the symbols of the Flower of Life, it is said that it contains the most important and sacred patterns in the universe. It is considered a certain blueprint for all life, including the basic scheme of everything from atoms to planets and everything in between.

Here are some inspiring tattoos with their meanings:


1. Elephant Flower of Life Tattoo

Meaning: As elephants are a symbol of good luck, wisdom, attracts good fortune, and showers positive energy out of the trunk into all the surroundings, it totally relates to the Flower of Life that we all are born from the same blueprint and shall spread positivity all around us.

2. Neck Flower of Life Tattoo

Meaning: This one symbolizes that the person is adventurous and is not at all afraid to take risks in life. It is an evident tattoo that shows someone is confident bold, strong, and loves standing out of the crowd.

3. Chest Flower Of Life Tattoo

Meaning: People like to use with their flower of life tattoo is enlightenment. They are open to learning about new things every day.

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