
How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe for Men

Have you ever looked through your closet, wondering why you simultaneously have nothing to wear while combing through copious amounts of clothing items that you haven’t touched in years? Yeah, us too, which is why we’re stoked about capsule wardrobes, which – when built with your personal style, lifestyle, needs, and aesthetic in mind – will help take out the majority of guesswork when putting together your outfits, get rid of clutter and unwanted/unworn items, and allow to you mix and match staple pieces that will carry you from season to season.

So, what exactly is a capsule wardrobe, and how do you go about building one? Let’s find out. 


What Is a Capsule Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is essentially a pared-down wardrobe in which you can mix and match most, if not all, the pieces in it. Capsule wardrobes tend to err on the minimalist side of things in terms of the number of clothing items and accessories you own, so if you’re someone who has a “less is more” mindset, are considering a major overhaul of your wardrobe, or want to get rid of unworn clothing or items that have no use in your closet, then you may consider taking the leap into building your own capsule wardrobe. 

One of the most important things to consider when building a capsule wardrobe is quality over quantity. The idea is to have a number of items, typically in the 30-50 range, that you can create a variety of outfits with that will also last through multiple seasons – which means no fast fashion, even for casual wear, as you’ll likely end up having to replace those items sooner rather than later. 

How Do You Start Building a Capsule Wardrobe?

Building a capsule wardrobe may seem like an overwhelming or daunting task; however, when you break it down, it’s actually quite simple. The first step when building a capsule wardrobe is to analyze your lifestyle, personal aesthetic, and overall style to determine which essential wardrobe pieces make the most sense for you. If you’re someone who works in a business casual or business professional environment, the majority of your pieces will likely fall higher on the semi-formal and formal scale, since that’s what you’re wearing most days of the week.

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