Tattoo ideas

Should I Get A Tattoo? Things Worth Considering Before Getting Body Art

Are you thinking about getting a tattoo and wondering if it’s the right decision for you?

It’s a very personal question that only you can ultimately answer for yourself.


However, there are a multitude of areas in your life to consider as you decide if you should get a tattoo, including:

• Personality

• Education

• Religion

• Location

• Tattoo Artist

• Employment

• Children

• Lifestyle

• Tattoo Type

• Tattoo Location

• Tattoo Design

• Risks

• Pain Threshold

• Finances

• Removal

• Cover Up

Let’s explore some of the most pertinent considerations to help you decide if a tattoo is the right decision for you.


Do You Have The Right Personality For A Tattoo?

Just as the tattoo you pick often represents your personality, your personality can often determine if you should get a tattoo.

Are you one of those that only like things when those around you have them – a fad follower? Do you get bored with things easily? Do you regret your decisions frequently? If yes, then you may want to think long and hard about getting a tattoo.

A professional tattoo doesn’t wash off when you get tired of it, change your circle of friends, or wake up one day and realize that your decision has an upfront and personal residence on your body.

A 2013 article in Psychology today, “If Tattoos Could Talk,” delves into how humans have been getting tattoos since ancient times to either standout or blend in. According to the article, from a psychological standpoint, the tattoo implies that you’re willing to permanently change your body without worry that it will become an embarrassing cliche. It’s also a symbol that you either want to permanently belong or be associated with something -or- that you want to stand out and be seen and heard uniquely.

Either way, look at your personality and ask yourself why you want to get a tattoo. Is it just something momentary that will change when something new comes along, or is it something for you and that you want to be associated with indefinitely?

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