Health & wellness

Height Weight Chart In Kilograms

We Are Unique Bodies:

No two bodies look alike. There are always very slight but noticeable difference in the human beings. This makes them unique and different in their own way. There will also be a difference in ones own family. Your cousins or even siblings will have different body compositions barring a few obvious genetic similarities. If this was not the case then on the brighter side we would all look like runway models and nobody would ever be overweight.


Significance of This Chart

The height and weight charts aim to monitor the growth of the human body. It starts from our infancy stages when it is used to track whether the child is developing as intended or not. Any deviations and slight alterations were brought to notice of the pediatrician who would further suggest a future course of action.

When we grow up our body keeps aging but our height stops growing after a certain age limit. But the weight is such a parameter of the body that keeps fluctuating throughout our lives. This fluctuation is itself an indicator by our bodies as to what are the possible future risks that the body will be susceptible to.

So we use these parameters to assess a few benchmarks of the body that helps to indicate whether or not the body is at its healthiest best. Without this chart the further analysis techniques would not be able to operate.

See More: Height Increasing Shoes India

Body Weight Indicators:

While we know that muscles weigh more than fat in our bodies it does not hurt to check our weights every now and then. Some of this is actually water weight which is lost when it is cold and which can bulk up with a hot and humid weather. But our weighing machines can hardly tell the difference. We often look into various indicators to suggest whether or not our current course of lifestyle is suited to our ideal weight s or not.

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