Health & wellness

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil – Which Is Better ?

To begin with, the difference between the coconut oil vs olive oil, let us get the required information about their definitions and scientific names.

Coconut oil, in general, is the fatty oil that is obtained from the flesh of the coconut. Coconut oil is used for cooking purposes as well as for enhancing the beauty of the users. You can also just make coconut oil at home and fulfil your requirement. This is the primary point to cover when focusing on what is the difference between coconut oil and olive oil. The scientific name of coconut oil is Cocos Nucifera.


Now, to compare olive oil and coconut oil, let us understand the information about olive oil. Olive oil is a liquid fat which is obtained from the olives. Olive oil is less fatty as compared to the coconut oil and thus is used more in cooking. The scientific name of olive oil is popularly known as oleic acid.

Quality Comparison of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil:

One of the significant factors of comparison between olive oil vs coconut oil which is better is their quality. You would never prefer any oil that is not high-quality, isn’t it? Let us have a look at the health benefits of coconut oil vs olive oil in terms of quality.

  • Olive oil has more amount of good fat along with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat as compared to coconut oil.
  • Coconut oil delivers more quantity of saturated fat than the actual requirements of the body as compared with the olive oil.
  • Both the oils, when consumed in the natural form, delivers the needed benefits to the health of the users.

How Much Dosage Use per Day of Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil:

When it is important to understand what is the difference between olive oil and coconut oil, it is also essential to have an idea about their daily consumption. Though the regular consumption of coconut oil vs olive oil cooking depends upon the needs of the users, in general, you should use:

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