Health & wellness

Kriya Yoga Asanas and its Benefits

Kriya yoga is a form of Yoga that was revived by His Holiness “Babaji Nagaraj””. It is a synthesis of 18 Siddha Traditions. The yoga form tries to blend together God, Truth and Union and Self-Realization.


Kriya in layman terms mean “action with awareness”. The asanas, pranayama, meditaion and mantras make the person aware of all his actions, dreams, desires and aspirations. A person can benefit completely from Kriya yoga only if the willingness of body, mind and heart is in line with the soul’s desire to be perfect and pure. Traditionally, this yoga form was associated with religious activities. However, now it is mostly practiced for its health benefits.

The yoga form includes a set of techniques, i.e., “kriyas”, which are classified in 5 branches.

1. Kriya Hatha Yoga:

Kriya Hatha Yoga deals with asanas that aid a person in both mental and physical relaxation. There are 18 asanas under Kriya Hatha Yoga.

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2. Kriya Kundalini Pranayama:

Kriya Kundalini Pranayama helps to circulate energy to every nerve in the body. Its focus is on clearing the nervous system.

3. Kriya Dhyana Yoga:

Kriya Dhyana Yoga aids in developing the power of concentration. It also helps to connect the inner consciousness with the waking consciousness.

4. Kriya Mantra Yoga:

Kriya Mantra Yoga focuses on awakening the intuition, intellect and chakras. The purpose of the mantra is to aid in accumulating great amounts of energy.

5. Kriya Bhakti Yoga:

Kriya Bhakti Yoga helps to stir the soul to reach for the divine, through devotional activities.

Before performing any asanas, one can do these simple steps to get comfortable:

1. Sit on a cushion or low stool comfortably so that the knees are below your pelvis level.

2. It is preferable to sit in the lotus pose (padmasana), with the thumb and index finger making a circle and the other fingers pointed straight.

3. Keep your spine straight and stay relaxed.

4. Close your eyes and take as much as five minutes to relax your body and all major muscle groups.

5. Relax your mind by focussing on one thought. Even if other thoughts occur to you, let them pass and go back to the thought you want to focus on.

6. Do this for at least 20 minutes.

Here are some of the asanas with the benefits, so that you may perform them within the comfort of your home.

1. Kriya Vanakam Asanam (Kriya pose of salutation):

Kriya vanakam asana strengthens the lower back, spine and shoulders. It can be practised by people of any age. It activates the crown chakra. It is the first and basic asana in Kriya yoga.

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