Health & wellness

6 Best Yoga Asanas To Treat Scoliosis

Yoga is a practice which includes certain postures, stretching of muscles and also relaxation techniques. It not only helps the muscles to get toned up but also improves the posture of the body and fixing up the stiff body parts. Particularly for a condition like Scoliosis, Yoga is proved to be extremely beneficial. Scoliosis is a spinal disorder where the spine is bent sideways. This usually happens during the spinal growth after puberty and factors like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy are responsible for Scoliosis. Yoga for Scoliosis is the most recommended treatment by doctors and therapists.


Is Yoga Good For Scoliosis?

Scoliosis occurs in children between the ages 10-15 and has a deviation of curvature in the spine. Fixation of scoliosis that is the bending of spinal cord can be fixed by regular practice of yoga. Yoga has certain special postures and stretching exercises which mainly focuses on the spinal cord itself. These asanas help in realigning the spine and alleviate the patient from pain and spinal stiffness. Yoga also helps the person gain mental strength to cope up with the condition and instil confidence. Apart from the medication prescribed by the doctor, a physiologist or a yoga instructor can turn out to be a great help in this purpose.

How Yoga Can Help Correct Scoliosis or Spinal Curvature?

Performing the correct postures and exercises will help the loosened muscles to tighten up and the weak ones to become strong enough to hold the spinal cord in it correct place all over again. This in turn will enable the body to help up the spinal cord by using the bone itself and not the muscles. Regular practice will make the person so used to it that he or she will not find it difficult again. Through yoga, the person will not entirely get rid of the curve but will definitely learn to live with that imbalance. The pain will get decreased and the body will get comfortable with that posture.

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