Health & wellness

How To Perform Tolasana (Scale Pose) and It’s Health Benefits

With lifestyles becoming sedentary, many people suffer from stiff bodies. Lack of exercise and physical inactivity makes joint movements very difficult. Areas like arms, wrists, ankles, knees and shoulders end up aching and make your life very uncomfortable. The best way to deal with these problems is to get back to your work out. Yoga has some proven asanas to recover the body from a number of ailments, particularly for aching joints. Among these poses, Talasana or the scale pose can help in strengthening joints and also tone your muscles. This articles helps you understand Talasana benefits and the steps to perform this pose.

See More: Vrksasana


What Is Tolasana?

Tolasana gets its name from ‘Tola’ which means scale. In this asana, the person sits in the scale or balance like position. Tolasana is an extension of Padmasana, which involves sitting cross legged. This pose is only recommended when the person can comfortably perform Padamasana, else it can be quite difficult to achieve Tolasana posture.

Beginner Tips For Tolasana:

  • As mentioned above, Tolasana should be performed only when the person can perform Padmasana comfortably.
  • If you face difficulty with Tolasana, first start with Ardha Padmasana or Half Lotus pose.
  • Slowly raise yourself to get into Tolasana position

How To Do Tolasana Step By Step?

Before performing Tolasana, one must practise sitting cross legged on ground. If you are comfortable, you can follow these steps to perform the asana:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs positioned in Padmasana posture
  • Press your hands against the floor tightly
  • Slowly activate your arms and lift your body
  • Balance the weight of your body on your arms
  • Your gaze should be fixed on the object infront of you
  • Hold for 3 breaths and slowly get back to original position

See More: Hero Pose Virasana

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