
50 Rules Of A Gentleman – Man’s Greatest Burden

Being a gentleman is more about than just acts of chivalry. The truth is, it’s about dealing directly with man’s greatest burden, his unfilled potential. If you become obsessed with being the most courteous man in the world, you’ll end up in one place: A life of quiet desperation.

The reality is, you need a war plan that’s ethical, moral and honest. For most, accepting the truth isn’t easy. A great deal of the rules for being a gentleman in today’s times are written for the weak minded males.


Any man of decent character already knows how to treat a woman and the simplest rules of common courtesy. These choices all come to us naturally.

A gentleman doesn’t need a reminder to do the right thing; he walks tall, sure of both his words and actions. While every male is born a man, being a successful gentleman is not for everyone. Period. If you want more choices in life alongside the respect and admiration of others, explore the rules below.

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1. He Understands And Accepts That Life Isn’t Always Fair.

A gentleman is the creator and master of his own destiny. Regardless if life isn’t fair in the first place, he knows it doesn’t have to be because he will still succeed. Create your own future! You can let circumstance rule you, or take charge and rule your own life from within.

Any man can start with nothing. You can either face the truth of live with the lies. Most men would rather hear the fairy tales.

2. When He Wants Things To Change, He Changes Himself.

There is only one obstacle that blocks his path towards success: himself. He does not blame others for his own failures, mistakes or the tough times he’s going through. The biggest barrier is psychological; it’s really just you!

Remember, the only difference between being a champ and a chump is “U”.

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