Tattoo ideas

What Does Japanese Flower Tattoo Mean?

Flower tattoos have long been some of the most popular out there, and that’s definitely true for Japanese flower tattoos. If you’re interested in getting one of the many great Japanese flower tattoos, then this is the page for you!

Part of what makes Japanese flower tattoos “Japanese” tattoos are the way the flowers are designed, but it usually comes down to the meanings that people choose to use. However, you will find that there are some very specific design methods that go into many Japanese flower tattoos, but it’s up to you if you want to use those styles or your own.


There are dozens of great Japanese flower tattoos to choose from, but only some of those rank near the top of the list of the most popular flower tattoos. Below we will take a look at some of those very popular Japanese flower designs and the meanings that are attached to them.

The cherry blossom

The cherry blossom, also known as the Sakura, is a popular flower tattoo all over the world for a number of reasons. It’s a beautiful pink flower that often reminds people that spring has arrived, which brings with it meanings of its own.

The Japanese cherry blossom tattoo meanings can be both positive and slightly negative. This is important to know since people often think of the cherry blossom only representing positive things.
The cherry tree has come to represent the fragility of life, which makes the cherry blossom sometimes symbolize the fragility of life itself. This is a great meaning to use if you want a design that tells you to live life to the fullest because you don’t have too much time on this planet.

It shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that the cherry blossom also symbolizes beauty.

If you’re looking for a tattoo that represents renewal, then you might find the cherry blossom to be the perfect choice. It’s an excellent Japanese flower tattoo for anyone who is trying to turn the page on their old life and move on to bigger and better things. It’s also a great tattoo meaning for anyone who simply wants to motivate themselves to do more with their lives.

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