Tattoo ideas

Tattoo Regret Statistics: What Percentage of People Regret Their Tattoos?

The number of tattoo collectors has risen appreciably during the past half century and continues to increase, with the general public’s acceptance of ink now being at its’ most relaxed in history. 

Despite this more normalized perception of tattooed people in wider society, tattoo regret remains a tangible beast. Regret can be caused by a variety of factors and lead to removal or cover up.


What Percentage of People Regret Their Tattoos?

According to surveys in the US and Australia between 8 and 27 percent of people regret one or more of their tattoos.

It’s estimated that over 45 million Americans now sport at least one tattoo.

A 2019 Ipsos poll  of 1005 respondents in the US found that more Americans have tattoos today than in early 2012. Three in ten (30%) of Americans have at least one tattoo, an increase from 21% in 2012. 

Of the tattooed respondents 92% said that they were happy with their tattoo, which is an increase in comparison with an infographic published by tattoo removal company Skinco in 2016, which reported tattoo regret at 14%. 

The US figures are decidedly less than similar westernized countries. For example, research group McCrindle found in their survey of Australian tattoo statistics that 27% of respondents had regrets about their tattoos.

A 2019 study by Mortlock (subscription required, abstract only) in the Value in Health Journal found that one, or combination, of the following factors were more likely to result in tattoo regret: 

  • Being impaired when getting the tattoo  
  • A tattoo on the head or neck 
  • A tattoo on the hands, wrist or fingers  
  • Peer pressure as the reason for the tattoo 
  • Experiencing a tattoo related adverse event (such as infection)

Anecdotally, tattoo regret can also be linked to getting the name of a former lover or trend based piece of body art etched into the wearer’s skin, only for the relationship to end or the fad to move on.

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