Health & wellness

18 Simple & Best Exercises For Hair Growth Faster At Home

Hair is an integral part of our human body, from a baby to an older person whereas hair loss is real! As real as the hair on your head! Everyone must have faced this issue, and some of our stress adds to the hair loss. There are several exercises to reduce hair loss and help with hair growth. These workouts have a positive effect on your hair as they increase blood flow to your scalp aiding in hair growth.


Does Exercising Make Your Hair Grow Faster?

Having a healthy body is a matter of confidence and prolongs your life. Performing exercises regularly promotes healthy hair growth. Working out makes the pores in your scalp open up and increases blood flow to your scalp and massaging your head is the best example. Several exercises release essential oils into the scalp.

Exercise Benefits For Hair:

  • One of the primary reasons for hair loss is stress. Exercise releases endorphins, also known as a happy hormone that help you relax.
  • Workouts help stimulate blood flow to the scalp enriching the hair follicles with nutrients.
  • Along with blood flow, workout sessions targeting hair growth, increasing oxygen flow to the scalp, increasing the nourishment to your hair.

Causes Of Hair Loss:

Several factors contribute to hair loss in a person. Typically we lose about 100 hairs per day, but that doesn’t show much effect as there is new hair growing simultaneously. Hair loss becomes an issue when there is a disruption in this cycle. Here are some reasons that affect hair loss.


  • This is one of the most common causes of hair loss, also called male or female pattern baldness. It occurs gradually with a receding hairline in men and thinning of hair in women.

Medical Conditions & Hormonal Changes:

  • Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and post-delivery, many new moms face hair loss problems. Some medical conditions, like alopecia areata, also cause hair loss in patches.


  • Hairloss can be a side effect of using some drug ailments like cancer, depression, heart problems, etc.

Stressful Events:

  • Sometimes, stress-inducing events result in hair loss, though it is temporary.

Chemical Products:

  • Hair treatments and Styling your hair frequently with chemical products is a significant cause of hair fall.

Effective and Best Exercises For Hair Growth:

Here is a collection of scalp exercises for hair growth that prevent hair loss. Take a pick and start right away.

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