Health & wellness

12 Amazing Black Rice Benefits (Forbidden Rice) + Nutritional Facts

The black rice also called Purple rice or forbidden rice, emperor’s rice and also called as Wild rice. This is glutinous rice (sticky rice) with purple colour appearance. The black rice scientific name is Oryza stative species which has high nutritional value along with antioxidants. The name forbidden rice has a history behind it when this black rice was kept only for the Chinese emperor for his good healthy living and forbidden from anyone. Thus, this rice was named as forbidden rice. The colour of the rice is due to an antioxidant pigment called anthocyanins. Black rice is formed due to mutation or white grain genes leading to dark purple colour rice. Continue reading the values and find out more about black rice benefits with black rice images and types of black rice.


What Is Forbidden Rice?

If you are wondering can eating rice be forbidden and hence the name forbidden rice. No, forbidden rice is nothing but another name for black rice or organic black rice. Since the history states, a certain type of rice was allotted for the Chinese emperor and not given for anyone else. This rice with high protein and iron content is black rice.

Different Types Of Black Rice:

Black rice is gluten-containing rice and comes in various varieties with different recipes. Some of the most commonly known types are the Indonesian black rice, Philippine Balatinaw rice, Thai jasmine black rice. In Manipur, black rice is used in making sweet dishes, famous black rice tea and the rice is famously called as “Chak-hao”. Kala dhaner chaal or Black paddy´s rice is commonly called in Bangladesh for black rice.

Is Black Rice Healthy?

Anything white coloured food is a carbohydrate loaded acting as a calorie bomb. For those who want to move away from calorie-loaded food, then opt for healthy low-calorie food. One such healthy food gluten-rich yet iron and vitamin loaded grain is the black rice or the forbidden rice. Black rice calories are less and antioxidant value is high along with other essential vitamin and mineral making this grain as the healthiest rice. Forbidden rice with benefits and side effects is not the same, the benefits out beats the side effects making this Asian rice healthy rice.

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