Health & wellness

25 Best Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss Fast

This asana resembles a triangle, and that is from where it receives its name, Trikona, which means triangle in Sanskrit. Unlike other asanas, this asana requires you to keep your eyes open in order to be able to maintain balance. This is one of the simple yoga exercises for weight loss which stimulates your digestive system and reduces the fat around your belly. The lateral movement in this asana can effectively slim down your waistline and strengthen your core muscles.

How to Do:

  • Stand with feet apart
  • Turn the left foot slightly towards the right. The right foot should be turned to 90 degrees. Keep thighs firm.
  • Extend torso over the right leg, while bending from the hip.
  • Place the right hand on the floor near the right foot.
  • Stretch hands toward the ceiling
  • Turn head to the left
  • Maintain the pose for 30 seconds.

Reduces Fat From: Abdominal Region


  • People with neck pain and blood pressure should refrain from looking upwards. Instead, look downwards or straight.
  • If you are a heart patient, practice this asana with support of the wall and keeping one hand on the hip.
  • A person having a headache or suffering from diarrhea must avoid this asana.

6. Shirshasana (Headstand):

Shirshasana or headstand pose involves complete inversion of the body and that too with just the support of the forearms. This is also known as the king of all asanas and can be mastered only when your upper body is strong enough to hold the complete bodyweight. The advanced Yoga asana for weight loss improves your digestion and tones your abdominal muscles. It is also very effective in treating constipation and bloating.

How to Do:

  • Use a folded blanket to help support your head and forearms.
  • Kneel down and join your fingers together, with forearms on the floor.
  • The crown of your head should touch the floor.
  • As you inhale, lift your knees off the floor. Move feet close to elbows with heels lifted up.
  • Lift with the support of top part of the thighs, make your shoulder blades firm, and lift your feet from the floor. Both feet should be lifted at the same time.
  • Make sure your tailbone is firm.
  • Push heels to the ceiling.
  • Make firm outer arms and soften fingers. Ensure the weight is evenly balanced.
  • For beginners, maintain the position for 10 seconds.

Reduces Fat From: Abdomen

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