Men's fashion guides

Second-Hand Clothes: Where To Find The Most Stylish Bargains

As our handbasket accelerates towards a hell of melting ice caps, smoking rainforests and smug, gammon-skinned climate-deniers, it’s tough to muster much optimism. When Trump’s using executive orders to roll back environmental protections, using a KeepCup feels about as impactful as trying to extinguish the Amazon with a water pistol. But as consumers – and especially fashion consumers – we’re more powerful than we think. You know the numbers by now – fashion gobbles up more energy than shipping and air travel combined; 11m garments end up in UK landfill each week; we’ll be creating 102m tonnes of clothing by 2030 – but their sheer scale can be enervating. Against that tidal wave of new clothing, what can one man do? Well, you can start not buying it. For all the stuff ends up in landfill, there’s plenty more that was crafted to last. Buying second-hand clothes is the almost-carbon-neutral way to scratch your fashion itch without, y’know, contributing to a climate crisis that, according to the most doom-mongery scientists, could see as much as 90 per cent of humanity wiped out within a century.


“As consumers, it’s in our power to make a real difference,” Oxfam chief executive Danny Sriskandarajah put it in a press statement to mark the start of the charity’s Second Hand September initiative. “Buying second-hand clothes helps to slow the ferocious fast fashion cycle, giving garments a second lease of life.” Especially since it’s easier to buy pre-owned than ever. The same one-click checkouts and centralised supply networks that have made fast fashion so destructive also mean that you’re no longer reliant on the old, ill-fitting jumpers that hang in your local thrift store. Whether you’re after vintage designer one-offs or bombproof leather jackets, the good stuff is out there. Here’s how to track it down.

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