DietHealth & wellness

GM Diet Plan Day 1: Rules and Meal Plan

The GM diet or the General Motors Diet Plan is a 7-day weight loss program that promises to help you lose around 6.8 Kgs in just one week. On each day, you will be required to consume foods of a specific food group that are low in calories and high in complex carbohydrates. Today, we shall look into GM Diet Plan Day – 1 to understand how to plan, what to eat, what can you expect by the end of the day, along with a sample meal plan.



How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet Day 1?

GM Diet Day 1 Sample Meal Plan

GM Diet Day 1 Exercises

Foods to Avoid on GM Diet Day 1

Why this Works?

How Will you Feel at the End of GM Diet Day 1?


How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet Plan Day 1?

On the Day 1 of GM Diet Plan, you will be required to consume only fruits and no other solids from outside this food group. So, prepare your taste buds accordingly! To make your day more interesting, you can combine a variety of fruits and have them at different times of the day. Fruits like Melons are highly recommended, while Bananas are a strict no-no!

There is no maximum limit of fruits on this day. So, you can have them whenever you are hungry. Also, you must drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day to avoid getting dehydrated.

NOTE: Experts recommend eating a carbs-rich diet the day before to energize the body and prepare it well for the diet program. Take up lighter exercises instead of workouts which strain your body and cause fatigue.

GM Diet Day-1 Meal Plan:

As mentioned earlier, 1st Day of GM Diet plan is loaded with fruits. So, instead of sticking to one particular fruit, you can cover a variety of fruits to make your diet more interesting and get wholesome nutrition from each of them.

The Indian version of GM Diet Day-1 is not very different from the original diet due to the commonality of fruits available. You are free to use locally available fruits instead of the ones mentioned in the plan.

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