Men's hairstyles

Get The Right Haircut: Key Men’s Hairdressing Terminology

Trying Something New

Going to get your haircut can be quite an intimidating experience, especially it it’s your first time in that particular salon or barbershop. Many men struggle to decide how they want their hair cut and for an easier life often give the stylist one of two responses, which are: “whatever you think would suit me”, or “a shorter version of what I’ve got”.

To make things even more difficult, when the stylist does a consultation they tend to throw in a few ‘hairdressing terms’ to really confuse matters! As a professional stylist, I think that the majority of guys are worried about trying something new with their hairstyle, and a lot of this comes down to not knowing what to ask for and a fear of looking a bit stupid if they don’t really comprehend what is being discussed or how the hairstyle will look at the end.


With this in mind, today we look to explain some of the key terminology that is standard within the industry, in order to increase your knowledge and help you understand how specific types of cutting can achieve different results…

Your Hair

Before you consider exactly how you want your hair to be cut or styled, it’s extremely important to take into consideration your hairline, which is the shape of the hair growth around the top of the forehead.

As you mature you may notice a receding hairline, which is thinning of the hair at the temples and around the hairline at the front.

Aside from your hairline, you may also have some individual hair growth patterns like a whorl, cowlick or even a double crown to take into consideration – all of these can have a huge influence on the type of haircut that will suit you.

Although I recognise that many readers will be struggling with hair loss or these specific type of growth patterns, it’s impossible for me to provide you with one-size-fits-all advice. Without seeing the hair and taking into consideration its direction, type and thickness, along with other factors such as your lifestyle or ‘look’, there isn’t one cut or general recommendation that I can offer to deal with your individual needs.

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