Health & wellness

19 Best Walnut Benefits (Akhrot) + Nutrition Facts & Side Effects

Soaked Walnuts Benefits:

Not just walnuts, but most of the nuts are soaked overnight or for a few hours before eating them. The reason is simple. Soaking breaks down the phytic acid so that it absorbs well. These nuts are also known to have abundant enzyme inhibitors. Therefore, dry nuts or unsoaked nuts are harder to digest. However, when you soak them, the enzymes are neutralized to ensure proper digestion.

The other reason why they are soaked is to get rid of the harmful chemicals present in the peels that can be fatal to the body. However, the nuts do not lose their nutritional value even if they are soaked.


Here is how you can eat Soaked Walnuts.

  • Soak around 5-7 walnuts in normal water overnight and cover them.
  • Strain them in the morning and eat.

Walnut Oil Benefits:

  • Walnut oil has been used to treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot, candida etc. It battles with fungal infections and provides relief.
  • Walnut oil greatly helps in reducing the black circle around the eyes. Simple dab a cotton soaked with walnut oil and massage around the eyes.
  • Walnut oil when mixed on face packs, is known to reduce the signs of ageing. It prevents wrinkles and fine lines that are common signs of ageing. This is one big advantage of walnut oil.
  • It is also ideal for Psoriasis. Psoriasis causes a patchy abnormal skin and is often triggered by cold and infection, sometimes, stress too. When you apply walnut to the affected area, the inflammation reduces greatly.
  • Arthritis, eczema and other inflammatory diseases can be cured by walnut oil, by applying to the affected areas.

Walnut Side Effects:

Listed below are some of the side effects that arise from eating Walnuts:

  • May cause rashes, hives and other reactions in people with nut allergies.
  • Over consumption can lead to stomach upset, nausea and belching.
  • Can cause weight gain when consumed in excess.
  • Chances of lowered blood pressure when had in large quantities.

Now that you have understood the health benefits of Walnuts, it’s time to put them to use. Walnuts are one of the best gifts of nature to mankind. If you don’t like the oily taste of walnuts, so be it! Try them in your salads or soups and even in your dips to camouflage its flavour. There are numerous recipes on the internet to use Walnuts creatively. So, time to switch to something healthy. Time to eat some Walnuts.

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