Health & wellness

19 Best Walnut Benefits (Akhrot) + Nutrition Facts & Side Effects

Nuts are an important part of a balanced diet. Among them are the Walnuts, which are highly celebrated in the kingdom of Nuts. They are said to have originated in the Mediterranean and Central Islands but widely cultivated in India, China and Persia. Walnut benefits in Culinary and Medicinal purposes were long recognized in many countries. They are one of the most popular ingredients added to salads, desserts and even gravies. Apart from adding an element of crunch, Walnuts also offer high amounts of nutrition like Omega-23 fatty acids, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. Let’s delve a little deeper to learn about the various health benefits of Walnuts.


What Is Walnut?

A walnut technically is not a nut. It is a seed of a drupe, which bears a hard, brown outer shell. The shell has 2 segments and rarely 3, which when opened reveal brain like Kernels. They are mildly sweet in taste with a bitter undertone. The importance of walnut is well-known to the medical and beauty world, which makes it so popular.

Types Of Walnuts:

There are 3 basic types of Walnuts available in the global market:

  • English Walnuts: They are also called Persian or Juglans Regia. These are the most commonly available Walnut varieties.
  • Black Walnuts: Also called Juglan Regia, black walnuts have a darker shade and are more pungent in flavour.
  • White Walnuts: These Walnuts are also called Butternut or JuglanCinerea. They are extremely rare and found only in certain parts of the US and Canada.

Is Walnut Good For Health?

Walnuts are one of the best sources of many important nutrients. These nuts are laden with good cholesterol, essential for promoting a healthy heart. Studies show that regular consumption of Walnuts has reduced the risks of Heart problems by a significant percentage. Besides that, Walnuts are also good for aiding in weight loss and dealing with a number of ailments.

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