
Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

Even though the end result is beautiful, nine months of pregnancy can prove to be an ordeal for expectant mothers. While women are blessed with the ability to procreate, pregnancy brings about hormonal changes that often result in a host of health complications.


Upper back pain during pregnancy is quite common and is the result of the weight of the baby growing in the mother’s womb, changes in the mother’s body and hormonal changes. Read further to understand the causes of upper back pain during pregnancy, its symptoms and treatment.

See More: Ramdev Baba Yoga For Back Pain

Reasons And Causes:

There are multiple reasons and causes for upper back pain during pregnancy. The most obvious and common cause for back pain during pregnancy is the growing mass of the baby in the womb. This combined with weight gain in expectant mothers is known to increase pressure on the upper back. This is most likely to occur during the third semester. Apart from weight gain in both mother and child, the later stage of pregnancy also brings about hormonal changes. During the latter stages of pregnancy, certain hormones are released in to the body, preparing it for delivery.

This generally brings about the loosening of muscles and ligaments. As a result of loose muscle and ligaments, the back and pelvis become unstable and the muscles put more effort in to maintaining body balance. This stress on all the major muscles including the upper back can often result in pain and muscle spasms. Another reason for back pains is the growing size of the mammary glands that put pressure on the upper back. Whilst all of this is unavoidable and pain killers are not advisable, simple exercises and precautions may relieve the pain. Read further to know more.

Precautions And Treatment:

Fortunately there are certain steps an expectant mother can take to avoid excessive upper back pain. Certain methods may even provide relief during bouts of discomfort and pain in the upper back.

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