
Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

See More: Back Pain Remedies In Ayurveda

1. Correct Posture Whilst Standing:


Whilst pregnant mothers would enjoy taking rest for the complete duration of their pregnancy, it is not entirely possible or advisable. There may be occasions when an expectant mother may need to remain standing for a prolonged duration of time. Under such circumstances one should insure correct posture that puts the least possible stress on the upper back. Keeping a wide stance, with one’s leg spread out and body weight distributed equally on both sides can help to a huge extent.

2. Correct Posture Whilst Sleeping:

Prolonged hours of reclining on the back during pregnancy can cause pain. It’s best to sleep on one’s side and thus maintain a safe and neutral position. Just the right amount of pillows will also insure that the neck and spine are comfortably settled during the duration of sleep. High pillows are a definite no.

3. Correct Posture Whilst Sitting:

One should maintain correct posture whilst sitting. The knees should never be above the legs so it’s best to avoid reclining chairs and sofas. A chair with good lumbar support or lumbar pillows can be very handy during the pregnancy stage.

It’s best to keep both feet grounded and a shoulder width apart. This insures equal distribution of weight and minimum stress on the back. When the lower back is well cushioned and supported, the upper back is stress free and relaxed.

Massage And Exercise:

Consulting a physiotherapist and regular massages may help during pregnancy. During bouts of pain, reliving techniques like hot and cold water bag applications may help.

See More: Upper Back Pain Treatments

I hope that above article upper back pain during pregnancy is helpful to you.

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