Tattoo ideas

What Does Rabbit Tattoo Mean?

Rabbit tattoos are definitely not the most popular animal tattoos out there, but they aren’t too far down the rankings, either. When done correctly, rabbit tattoos can look great on the skin and they also come with quite a bit of symbolism attached to them.

On this page you will find all that you would ever need to know about rabbit tattoos and what they represent. First we’ll take a look at some of the more popular rabbit tattoo meanings and then we’ll go over some design options that people have. After going through that you should have a pretty good idea about whether or not the rabbit tattoo is right for you!


Like many other animal designs, rabbit tattoos can represent their owners’ love of nature. Let’s be honest, rabbits are found pretty much everywhere around the world, so there aren’t too many better animal tattoos to show off your love of the outdoors. If you do decide to use this rabbit tattoo meaning, then you might want to include some type of nature background to make the meaning come across a bit more clearly. Of course, the rabbit alone, if realistic looking, can do the job all by itself.

Rabbits have long been symbols of luck, and not just because of the lucky rabbit’s foot. In some parts of the world, it is a normal occurrence for parents to give their kids rabbits for luck and future wealth. The rabbit tattoo is definitely the animal tat design that you’ll want to get if you want a good luck charm on your skin.

Rabbits have been able to survive and evolve over the years despite being preyed upon by many other animals. This can mean different things to different people, but they often symbolize fertility because of their ability to continue to reproduce regardless of how often they’re hunted. Women who take pride in their ability to reproduce themselves or have the dream of having a large family might find this to be the perfect rabbit tattoo meaning.

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