Dog haircutsPet

20 Best Shih Tzu Haircuts


Can a Shih Tzu’s hair be curly?

Some Shih Tzu hair is wavy, but if your dog has curly hair, experts would probably consider it a mixed breed. 



Does Shih Tzus have long or short hair?

Shih Tzus have long hair. Their hair can be cut short for convenience and style. If your Shih Tzu puppy appears to have short hair, it is probably because its adult coat has not grown in yet. 


Why isn’t your Shih Tzu’s hair fluffy?

If your Shih Tzu’s hair isn’t as fluffy as you want it to be, it is probably related to how you are drying your hair. Like human hair, a Shih Tzu’s hair volume and texture are impacted by the drying method. Properly fluff-drying a dog’s hair involves a careful process of towel drying and blow-drying. 


Can you make your Shih Tzu’s hair thinner?

You can make your Shih Tzu’s hair thinner and easier to manage with strategic haircuts. One easy strategy is cutting your puppy’s hair with thinning scissors. Another option is to cut your dog’s hair short or into layers. 


Does a Shih Tzu feel better after a haircut?

Most dogs feel better after getting a haircut. Their hair will be clean and free of uncomfortable tangles. A haircut can also help keep their hair out of their eyes and mouth. Furthermore, a haircut will help your Shih Tzu feel more comfortable in hot weather, as their thick hair can be quite oppressive in the heat. 


If you are planning a Shih Tzu haircut, there are plenty of options to choose from. We hope we gave you an idea of what your pet can look like with the right care. Use your imagination and enjoy your pet’s new look.

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